Computers On Law & Order – Part 3

Early version of Windows (season 6, episode 6, 09:11″)

Program Manager (season 6, episode 6, 17:35″)

Checking a suspect’s email – actually just a text file in Notepad (season 6, episode 6, 17:37″)

Screensaver (season 6, episode 6, 09:10″)

Sending email to a biker (season 6, episode 6, 11:09″)

Sound Invisibility

Fantastically-interesting project detailed at Physics WorldMartin Wegener, Nicolas Stenger, and Manfred Wilhelm of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in Germany built the device above which can cloak objects from sound waves.  The rings around the center are filled with soft plastic and an object to be cloaked is placed in the center hole.  Because of the design of the rings, sound waves approaching the object are bent and re-emerge on the other side exactly as they came in.  There are no acoustic reflections off the object whatsoever.

Via: Physics World (thanks Stephen Shingler)

Designing For The Adoption Curve

A great graphic on the adoption of new technologies by Peter Mortensen and Joyce Chen.  A bit hard to read, so here’s the basics:

    Product is being used by Innovators
    Product has reached Early Adopters
    Product has reached Early Majority
    Product has reached Late Majority
  5. PLAY
    Product has reached Laggards
    Find New Markets

Via: Core77