John Cage playing amplified cacti… enough said.
Sound Invisibility
Fantastically-interesting project detailed at Physics World – Martin Wegener, Nicolas Stenger, and Manfred Wilhelm of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in Germany built the device above which can cloak objects from sound waves. The rings around the center are filled with soft plastic and an object to be cloaked is placed in the center hole. Because of the design of the rings, sound waves approaching the object are bent and re-emerge on the other side exactly as they came in. There are no acoustic reflections off the object whatsoever.
Via: Physics World (thanks Stephen Shingler)
Characteristics of Sea Reverberation
Found deep in my photo library today.
VERSUS by David Letellier (via: Triangulation Blog)
“Equilibrium Variant”
“Equilibrium Variant” by Roberto Puliese
Via: Music of Sound
Peter Bosch and Simone Simmons
Very nice, somewhat low-tech kinect works with a strong sound component by Peter Bosch and Simone Simmons.
Amp Ball
Had a dream last night of a van pulling a huge pile of amps, tied together with rope.
Optimal Angle For Blowing A Bottle
It turns out the optimal angle for blowing air onto the lip of a bottle to make it whistle is just about 15 degrees…
Crystler air raid siren
Chrysler air raid siren, running on a V8 engine. Listen to the siren starting up:
More fantanstic sound samples at
Table Of The Relative Frequency Of Occurance Of The Causes Of Breaking Plate Glass Windows
Charles Babbage’s “Table Of The Relative Frequency Of Occurance Of The Causes Of Breaking Plate Glass Windows”, printed in Mechanics Magazine (Vol. 66, 1867).
Via: Google Books