Haunting ghost boats on the shore of the Hudson River in Google Maps.
JPG Blurring
Grid Filter: WIP
Video Glitch
An unknown type of video glitch (seen while playing the new Sigur Rós video), made up of amazing geometric swirls and patterns.
Bread Rendering
Super Compressed Colored Perlin Noise
Regex Glitch Poetry
Weird little regular expressions hiccup turned the sentence “the ceiling is high; really nice here; and cold.” into:
1 |
it's tit's hit's eit's it's dit's oit's oit's rit's it's iit's sit's it's dit's ait's mit's pit's ;it's it's iit's it's lit's oit's vit's eit's it's tit's oit's it's eit's ait's tit's ;it's it's ait's nit's dit's it's tit's hit's eit's it's rit's oit's oit's mit's it's bit's eit's cit's oit's mit's eit's sit's it's git's rit's ait's yit's .it's |
Java Screen Glitch
Flickr “Magic View”
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Images via Flickr’s image-recognition auto-tagging system called “Magic View”.