FFMPEG is one of those tools I use when I just want to quickly hack together a video and don’t need fancy things like editing, titles, or a user-interface. Compiling on a regular computer isn’t easy, but compiling for the Raspberry Pi takes a little more patience and care. I also wanted to include support for H264 video, which needs to be installed before compiling FFMPEG.
There are lots of examples on the web, but what worked for me was a combination of a few of them, so here’s what I did. Note many of these commands may require sudo appended before (commands like git , ./configure, and make )
Run the following commands, one at a time.
123456cd /usr/srcgit clone git://git.videolan.org/x264cd x264./configure --host=arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi --enable-static --disable-openclmakesudo make install - INSTALL OTHER LIBRARIES/FORMATS
Anything else you would like to install should be done now, before compiling FFMPEG. This includes MP3, AAC, etc. - INSTALL FFMPEG
Add lines similar to the --enable-libx264 for anything else installed above. This may take a REALLY long time, so be patient.
123456cd /usr/srcgit clone https://github.com/FFmpeg/FFmpeg.gitcd ffmpegsudo ./configure --arch=armel --target-os=linux --enable-gpl --enable-libx264 --enable-nonfreemakesudo make install
As Malcshour notes, if you have a Model B+ you can use make -j4 instead of just make to take advantage of all four cores!DONE! TEST IT
To test your new install, simply run the command ffmpeg . If you don’t get any errors, you’re all good. What did I do with my new tool? I built a bot that generates random guitar chords.