The average color (of approximately 450 samples) seen with eyes closed.
RGB: 157,117,124
Software, hardware, art – a blog of process and findings
The average color (of approximately 450 samples) seen with eyes closed.
RGB: 157,117,124
The completed tasks, not 20 minutes after publishing them! Click on the image for full-size.
An initial experiment (my first) with Amazon’s Mechanical Turk, a service that allows workers around the world to complete simple online tasks. While most of the tasks are weird surveys or spamming attempts that pay between $0.05 – $0.25 per job, I decided that paying a reasonable fee would be fair and more likely to be completed. I asked participants to visit this site and determine the color they saw when their eyes were closed looking at a bright white screen. Prepaid for 100 people to complete my task, I assumed it would take a week or two.
I took a shower and came back to my computer to find… 100 responses! In less than 20 minutes the whole project was finished, to my astonishment.
The first 100 responses – not all what I would call “accurate”
A few thoughts on the process:
If you are feeling egalitarian and want to help the project without getting paid, you can head over to this page and email me your results.