Images of trees made captured by a view camera I built using a 35mm lens, frosted plexi, and a webcam. Updated version with build instructions coming shortly.
Refined Webcam View Camera
With a new, sandblasted piece of plexi (instead of hand-sanded), more images from what I am now calling the Webcam View Camera (35mm lens projecting onto a piece of ground plexi, picked up by a cheap webcam, captured by screen-grab).
Camera Experiments
Broken Webcam – Video
Broken Webcam
My very old USB webcam seems broken, but at least broken in an interesting way.
First webcam
A screenshot from the first (and sadly now defunct) webcam, a coffee pot monitoring device called “XCoffee” in the “Trojan Room” at the University of Cambridge. The webcam was initiated in 1991 and taken offline in 2001. The coffee pot was then restored by Krupps and then sold for the equivelant of $6,188.30 (£3,350).
Image by: Quentin Stafford-Fraser
Read the “XCOffee Biography“