Diagrams from “Specification And Prelimary Design Of An Array Processor”

Fantastic diagrams from “Specification And Prelimary Design Of An Array Processor” by D.L. Slotnick and Marvin Graham, a 1975 paper describing what would have been a $10 million computer (in today’s dollars).  Below is a selection of my favorites, mostly the most abstract and wonderfully geometric ones (diagrams whose function, I admit, I mostly have no clue about).  Lots more after the break (and in the full PDF).

Via: Hackaday, download the 250+ page PDF here

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ISOTYPE Visualization

A very nice vintage data visualization in the ISOTYPE style via the Information is Beautiful blog.  ISOTYPE stands for “International System Of TYpographic Picture Education. It was an early infographical form, originated in the 1930s by Austrian philosopher and curator Otto Neurath ‘as a symbolic way of representing quantitative information via easily interpretable icons.'”

Via: Information is Beautiful