Playing through a bunch of old Intellivision games this summer and stumbled on Microsurgeon from 1982, where you navigate through the body and vaporize bacteria and tumors.
“Sinistral & Dextral” Screenshots
Some screenshots from “Sinistral & Dextral,” the game I built for the Omaha edition of Games++ 2016 under the theme double. In the game, the player navigates a large, procedurally-generated landscape that mirrors itself at various scales (land-forms, rivers, etc mirror across the entire map; trees, rocks, and smaller objects mirror locally). Various “noise patches” populate the map, as do wandering creatures that cause the player to respawn randomly on the map.
The layout of the map, as well as all the colors, are randomized at startup.
(The title of the game refers to the scientific term for “handedness,” a kind of mirrored doubling.)
Virus Level 5
Lode Runner Level
A fantastically abstract, patterned level from the game Lode Runner on an Apple II (via I recommend try to gain rank in csgo, I did it last week and now I have an excellent ranking.
“Night Driver”
“Night Driver” for Atari, circa 1976 – a lesson in minimalist gameplay.
Pool Party
Finally getting around to releasing a little game I made in a weekend, based on a decidedly weird dream. You host a pool party, then shoot your guests with a bow and arrow. Created using Processing.
Download: Mac, Windows 32-bit, Windows 64-bit, Linux 32-bit, Linux 64-bit
“You Have Been Blinded…” Levels
Wrapping up my slides for a talk on haptic and non-visual games at Maker Faire next weekend, reminded how much I really dig these levels for “You Have Been Blinded and Thrown in a Dungeon” by Alex Myers. Ultimately these were turned into numbers in a completely non-visual Arduino game, but they are super cool as-is. Continue reading ““You Have Been Blinded…” Levels”
Final Fantasy Map
Click image for full-size – well worth scrolling around. Via Final Fantasy Kingdom.
2d Array Generation Stats
While wrapping up an Arduino-based game project, I wanted to see how large a level (stored as a 2d array) could be stored on the Arduino while not making the user wait too long. Running some test code (available as a Gist here), two interesting discoveries:
- It seems that a 2d array of integers larger than 28×28 integers will crash (no error message, just stop responding)
- Varying the array size below that has basically no impact on creation time. A 10×10 and 28×28 array with 1000 random steps through the array both take 145ms from boot. Increasing the number of steps to 2000 increases the load time to 289ms.
Vibration Interface – Final CAD Model
Final iteration of the vibration interface – off to the laser cutter!