Blurry JPG from super-compressing a geometric image.
Blocky Compression
Gradient Compression
An experimental image compression: pixel blocks converted to gradients between darkest and lightest pixels in block.
Something Is Wrong With My Monitor
Voronoi Diagrams of “Starry Night”
After getting very excited about Voronoi Diagrams and this post, I took a break from PHP to make what I think is essentially a custom image-compression algorithm. I’ve applied it to Van Gogh’s famous painting “Starry Night” at varying levels. The program, written in Processing, essentially looks at a pixel’s neighbors and if the colors are similar enough, it sets the neighbor’s value to the tested pixel. The above image is a allows for a difference of as much as 250 (very high compression/low similarity) and steps down in increments of 25 down to 25.